Let's talk about Newcastle, the lovely ci... I mean kampong which accommodated our contributors for at least a year.

Ahh... Millenium Bridge... Most sightful place in Newcastle. You can't cross it after 2 a.m.
Here are somethings about that might trigger bittersweet memories about Newcastle:
- "Howay man!!" "Where ye gan tonight?" "Av ye gan neet oot lyk!!?" "Aye, was it mint lyk?" "Nee botha" Geordie accent... note that no matter how un-English does it sound, it is still officially part of English.
- If it is possible to make an accurate forecast on the weather, it might sound like this: "Cloudy with 40% chance of rain which might occur at 08.31 for 3 seconds, then drizzles for about 5 minutes, you'll get 25 minutes of sunshine and then dark clouds. Heavy rain at 10.51 for 3 minutes followed by intense sunshine, and cloudy again. Another rain at 12.21 for 4 minutes 39 seconds and then drizzles with sleets every 14 minutes 22 seconds interval until night fall. Clear sky throughout the night. Humidity varies throughout the day as well as temperature, therefore, it is pointless to give the forecast for the temperature and humidity. Also, watch out for strong gusts which might occur randomly during the day."
- "Omg! I am hungry! It's 2 a.m. in the morning and I've got my final paper tomorrow and I haven't finish my review! I can't concentrate with empty stomach, what should I do!!?" "It's okay, there's always McD. Let's go there" ................................. "It's F*****NG CLOSED!! OMFG!! It's not 24 hours!!"
- Random drunken singing, shouting and yells... which can be hear from about 9 p.m. till 5 a.m.
- Influx of people going INTO St. James stadium with black and white striped Jerseys with happy faces =D
- Influx of people going OUT of St. James stadium with black and white striped Jerseys with really angry facial expression >=( and shouts
- Traditional (Red-skinned) Indian ambient music performance on High Street every single Saturday only to be ruined by massive amount of shoppers moving about the same area
- Ghost stories. There are so many in Newcastle that it is as if every inch of the city is haunted!!
- Last but not least, we tend to look forward for Thursday instead of weekend because shops closes 2 hours later than usual.... (P/S: Shops in Southeast Asia a closes about 2-3 hours later than this and we took it for granted before we came here =.='')
Fun facts:
On the best of my knowledge, there are at least 9 different places called Newcastle in UK alone. There are also at least 2 others in Australia, 5 more in Canada, 3 in the Republic of Ireland, and 19 more in U.S.!!!
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Interactive session:
What is your most memorable experience in Newcastle? Just leave it in the comment section below :)