About saying no – Ive always been one to go out of my way for people, even at my own expense. If someone needed something done at the last minute, and I had something planned beforehand, Id still try to accommodate that person’s need. If someone asked nicely enough, Id send you all the way home – even if you lived 40mins away from the city. I just cant bear to leave someone stranded at the bus stop or in desperate need of help when I know I am able to – even if it means I wont get some of my own things done.....but how can u resist this?

..and the above is over the bridge. fudge!! Come fast weekend.
Often we overlook the simple things in life, when it is the simple things that give the most joy.May we all remember to take time to enjoy the simple things that life has to offer. A little girl came up to me last weekend and handed me a necklace.Its not fancy but the thought of making me one made me feel special just becoz i helped her to tie her hair into a pigtail and she loves it.Im going to pass on that 'special-ness' to someone this week. You do the same too, wont you? The last thing we need in this world is the lack of humour; the lack of ability to see the lighter side of things - goodness knows, we desperately need it sometimes.
Till then. Geez, this weekend is something to look forward to.