Friday, 30 October 2009

eat or be eaten.

A tumbleweed roll across this page as i key-in each letters.

No, I haven't abandon this blog - but there haven't been anything interesting to write about. For now buckle up and here it comes.

People have gone sensitive a level or two higher. I'm a pretty sensitive soul, and I usually get paranoid about it. But I also am able to deem it trivial soon enough, too. It keeps me sane.

Plus, I don't need the added stress from having to argue with people about who's wrong and who's right; who's better at something and who's not; what's a negative critique and what's a constructive one. Most of all, I don't like ruining relationships with people just over silly little sillys.

I get it that we're susceptible to the negatives that get thrown daily into our faces to the point that it crushes us in such ways imaginable, especially when it stems from those who know us well. Our emotions heed us to believe that these people prey on our weaknesses because of some personal vendetta, that every opponent, every critic must have an agenda. An agenda that spells out jealousy, envy, amour propre - our emotions tell our mind to accept these as true of the people. It finally gives us reasons to justify our vindictiveness, much characterized by rancour, that soon tells ourselves that we (I am) are right, and they (you) are wrong.

Without a doubt, like you, I go through these stages, too. There have always been moments when I tell myself that I must be right about this, that my actions and decisions were called for, and that my reasons suffice at its basics. These are when I over-analysed everything, when I cared too much.

But when I accepted it as it is, when I didn't bother too much about it, I soon realized one fundamental thing about human, about being an individual. It is the one thing that we have too soon forgotten about in this day and age.That everyone is capable of making sincerely held difference of opinions. Without any agenda, without any reason.You might say that Liverpool is better, I might say that Manchester is second to none (heh! no offence just example aite). You might say that a BMW is the top-notch, I would say a Volkswagon Touareg is a prime sterling. You might say that it is your own passion, I might think it's a borrowed inspiration.

My point is, don't be too quick to judge a person's character or assume that someone've got an agenda just because of one un-informed comment. If you want to continue to believe that I must be overly envious of something, then go ahead. It's okay if you want to live in your own little world, because I sometimes do.

On the other note, 'the surprise' really worked. Thanks all for co-operating. Parents & everyone's taken-aback expressions were priceless ^_^* In the last few weeks time zoomed passed in a flash coz I/We had so much things happening and then to date I terribly miss it when I wake up eventhough I dont have to wake-up seeing leaves on trees turning bright shade of saffron with mixes of green and brown (a classic picture of autumn with grey clouds for a background). And so i've been home for a couple of days and trying to adjust to being home again, and, I will also attempt to drizzle little stories here and there that may allow you to catch a little more of my heart and of the faithfulness of God that has carried me through thus far!

Friday, 16 October 2009

Small things....

What is it that makes people fall in love? Answer: Small things!!

Here are some examples:

He was a senior student, she was a sophomore. He saw her from the top floor of the school, she was chatting with her friends, she was beautiful in his eyes, she was perfect... and she looked up to him and smiles.... he fell for her right at that moment

He and her was best friends, they spend most of their time with each other, completely comfortable with each other presence. They can talk about anything and everything. Fight about anything and everything. He was a musician. He let her listen some of his songs, she was very proud of him. He then played his guitar in front of her.... that's when the sparks generate

He was her classmate. They had this small study group that always support each other during studies. One day, out of exhaustion, he slept off when they were studying for final exam. She let him slept for an hour before waking him up. When he was woken up by her gentle voice... he saw an angel

She only met her once at a party. He always seems to be surrounded by girls. They were also very comfortable with him despite of him being single. He appears to be very lively and full of laughter. He came to her and introduced himself. When she shook his hand... she melted.

He was just arrived in a foreign country for study. Alone, he settled down for 3-4 months until he met her. She was a fresher, but she already had a group of friends. They would go out in a big group for dinner and have a laughter or two every evening. When she asked him to come along, he felt accepted. When they became closer to each other, something inside him grows. When their friends were talking about them.... he realized it was love.

"Obviously, we would consider something we took great effort to obtain to be precious, but there are times when those precious things enter our lives unexpectedly simply (and most of the time, unrealized)" - Mark, Spice and Wolf II episode 5

Fun facts:
People who are newly in love produce decreased levels of the hormone serotonin — as low as levels seen in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Perhaps that's why it's so easy to feel obsessed when you're smitten.

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